Home Maker Personal Care
Available for people using Individual Options or Level One waivers
Homemaker/Personal Care, often called HPC, supports a person to be more independent while meeting their daily living needs. Direct service providers help people with household chores and personal care, including things like
- getting dressed and keeping clean,
- making food,
- managing money to pay household bills,
- cleaning and doing laundry,
- getting out and being a part of the community,
- and helping people to get to medical and dental appointments or other health care services.
HPC also includes support that improves a person’s ability to express their opinions and choices.
When to Apply this Service
The person’s service and support administrator, or SSA, will assess them for a need for Homemaker/Personal Care. If there is a need, the SSA will include it in the person’s individual service plan.
Providing this Service
Agency and independent providers that have a Medicaid provider agreement and are DODD-certified can provide this service.
HPC can be provided as one-one-one or as a group service. The provider may extend services to those times when the person is not physically present, performing homemaker activities on behalf of the person.
HPC cannot be provided at the same time as
- Money Management,
- Residential Respite,
- Adult Day Support,
- Group Employment Support,
- Individual Employment Support,
- Vocational Habilitation,
- or Non-Medical Transportation.
Homemaker/Personal Care services cannot be provided by a county board of developmental disabilities or a regional council of governments.
Training Requirements for this Service
After initial provider certification and completing annual training requirements, the following is required to provide this service.
Agency providers must provide their direct service staff on-the-job training specific to each person they serve. This training should include
- what is important to and important for the person,
- and the person’s support needs, including behavioral support strategy, management of the person’s funds, and medication administration or delegated nursing.
Billing and Payment Information
All services must be delivered as specified in the individual service plan and authorized in Payment Authorization for Waiver Services, known as PAWS, to be successfully submitted for payment through eMBS.
Rates and limits for Homemaker/Personal Care are contained in the service rule’s appendix for Individual Options and Level One waivers, and in the service rule’s appendix for people who share services and use the Individual Options Waiver.
The Competency-Based Training and Longevity Add-on adds $0.39 per fifteen-minute unit, to the regular reimbursement rate for routine Homemaker/Personal Care services.
Providers can only bill at this higher rate for routine Homemaker/Personal Care provided by eligible direct service providers. The add-on does not apply to On-site/On-call, Participant-Directed Homemaker/Personal Care or any service other than routine Homemaker/Personal Care.