
Homemaker Personal Care (HPC) Transportation


Available for people using Individual Options, Level One, and SELF waivers

Transportation offers people with disabilities a way to access their waiver services, community activities, and resources when other people or agencies cannot provide transportation free of charge.

Service Planning

Transportation services may be available based on an understanding of a person’s needs discovered during an assessment, then listed in their individual service plan.

Whenever possible, family, friends, neighbors, or community agencies that provide transportation without charge should be used first.

Under the Level One Waiver, payment for Community Respite, Homemaker/Personal Care, informal respite, Money Management, Participant-Directed Homemaker/Personal Care, Remote Support, Residential Respite, and Transportation, alone or in combination, can not exceed $6,750 per waiver span.

Providing this Service

Agency and independent providers that have a Medicaid provider agreement and are DODD-certified can provide this service.

Transportation can be provided one-on-one or as a group service.

A person having six or more points on his or her driving record is prohibited from providing Transportation.

The provider may extend services to when the person is not physically present by providing Transportation on their behalf, such as buying groceries, picking up prescriptions, or paying billings for the person.

Independent providers of this service must

  • hold a valid driver’s license,
  • have valid liability insurance,
  • and immediately notify DODD in writing if they accumulate six or more points on their driving record or if their driver’s license is suspended or revoked.

Agencies that employ staff to provide this service must

  • ensure that each driver holds a valid driver’s license,
  • ensure that each driver is covered by valid liability insurance,
  • obtain, for each driver, a driving record prepared by the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles no earlier than 14 calendar days before they begin employment and at least once every three years,
  • require each driver to immediately notify the agency in writing, should the driver accumulate six or more points on their driving record or if their driver’s license is suspended or revoked,
  • and develop and implement written policies and procedures regarding vehicle accessibility, vehicle maintenance, and requirements for vehicle drivers.
Billing and Payment Information

All services must be delivered as specified in the individual service plan and authorized in Payment Authorization for Waiver Services, known as PAWS, to be successfully submitted for payment through eMBS.

Payment rates are established on a per person basis depending on the group size in which transportation is provided. When more than one individual is receiving transportation, the number of individuals in the group is determined by totaling the number of people, regardless of funding source, for whom transportation is being provided.

Rates and limits for Transportation are contained in the service rule’s appendix.

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